Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program

Eddie Eagle

The Eddie Eagle GunSafe® program is a gun accident prevention program that seeks to help parents, law enforcement, and community groups, and educators navigate a topic paramount to our children’s safety. The program is geared toward elementary aged children.

“Stop.  Don’t Touch.  Run Away.  Tell a Grown Up.”

The goal of Eddie Eagle GunSafe® is to teach kids a memorable and easy way to remember how to be safe when they encounter a gun. In a world where half of the American households have guns, children need to be taught how to safely encounter guns.

The program is not intended to promote gun usage. The sole purpose of Eddie Eagle GunSafe® is to teach children to be safe and prevent accidents from improper handling of firearms.


Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

Eddie and Kids
GunSafe Kids
GunSafe Officer
GunSafe Class
GunSafe Instruction