Public Hearing Notice: An ordinance to amend language in City Code Chapter 10 (Zoning)

Calendar Date:
Thursday, September 14, 2017 - 7:00pm

Notice is hereby given that the St. Francis Planning Commission will be holding a public hearing on the following land use items on September 20, 2017, starting at 7:00 p.m. at the ISD #15 District Office located at 4115 Ambassador Blvd.

1. ORDINANCE:  An ordinance to amend language in City Code Chapter 10 (Zoning), Section 93 to satisfy the latest requirements of the state mandated Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) Permit program which focuses on the management of stormwater.  The ordinance amends the minimum infiltration requirement within the City and adopts infiltration restrictions and prohibitions as required by the State amongst other minor changes.

All persons wishing to be heard on the above items should attend the meeting.  Written comments may be submitted to the City no later than 7:00 p.m. on Friday, September 15th ; or emailed to Ben Gozola at ( no later than noon on the day of the meeting. Materials regarding the above items are available upon request.

Ben Gozola
City Planner