Commission and Council Vacancy Application

The application should be used for the interest to fill a vacancy on any of the following Commissions or City Council

  • City Council - CC works to make policy decisions, approve contracts and budget needs of the City as a whole.  Group is responsible for the approval or denial of land use application and ensuring that projects are meeting adopted documents.  Council also approves staffing, the purchase of equipment and acts as a liaison to many of the other commission meetings.  Council meets on the first and third Monday of every month and also attends work sessions as scheduled.
  • Park Commission - Park Commission works to guide Council on decisions related to park amenities, programs, updates and needs that support the residents of the city.
  • Economic Development Authority - The EDA works within the City to discuss business opportunity, land acquisition, development and funding opportunity. The group meets as needed throughout the year with no less than one meeting per calendar year.
  • Planning Commission - the PC is an advisory group to the City Council.  This group meets to ensure that land use applications are meeting the terms of the City adopted documents such as the Comprehensive Code, City Ordinances and other related planning documents.  This group meets monthly on the third Wednesday.
  • Upper Rum River - this group works with the watershed district on environmental related topics.  Meets are scheduled by an outside organization.
  • Charter Commission - this group leads the City in important structural and policy decisions.  The Charter meets as needed, no less than one time per year.